Smith Cross­ing and Smith Vil­lage vot­ed Best Assist­ed Liv­ing in Dai­ly South­town’s Best of Chicago’s South­land 2021

August 10, 2021 • Source: Daily Southtown

Best of chicagos southland 2021

Wel­come to the Dai­ly Southtown’s 2021 Best of the Chicago’s South­land reader’s choice bal­lot­ing results. Dai­ly South­town read­ers select­ed their favorite busi­ness­es in almost 100 cat­e­gories in the first round of vot­ing in the annu­al contest.

Vot­ing for Best of the Chicago’s South­land is bro­ken up into two vot­ing rounds this year. The Round No. 1 win­ners are announced today in cat­e­gories cov­er­ing Auto Sales/​Repair, Edu­ca­tion, Financial/​Planning/​Professional Ser­vices, Health Care and Sup­port­ive Liv­ing. Round No. 2 win­ners will be pub­lished Nov. 21 fea­tur­ing cat­e­gories in Entertainment/​Leisure, Food/​Din­ing, Home Improvement/​Builder/​Real Estate and Retail. Bal­lot­ing for the Round No. 2 begins in September.

These best” top busi­ness­es were vot­ed on by read­ers of the Dai­ly South­town online. Read­ers were asked to fill out blank bal­lots for each cat­e­go­ry. The busi­ness­es with the most votes are rec­og­nized as the best” fol­lowed by the run­ner up in each category.

The win­ners love to post their awards in a vis­i­ble spot with­in their respec­tive busi­ness­es to show their cus­tomers,” says Mary Leonard, the Dai­ly Southtown’s adver­tis­ing director.

The entire Dai­ly South­town staff con­grat­u­lates all the win­ners of this year’s reader’s poll and encour­ages every­one to vis­it the busi­ness­es and learn first-hand what makes them the best,” Leonard says.

Over the years, a num­ber of busi­ness­es have won awards more than once. We’ve had repeat noto­ri­ety,” Leonard says about the con­test that began over 30 years ago. That says these busi­ness­es are doing some­thing right for their cus­tomers on a con­sis­tent basis. Look for this badge of hon­or when shop­ping neigh­bor­hood businesses.”

Bal­lot infor­ma­tion for the Nov. 21 issue of Best of Chicago’s South­land Round No. 2 will be avail­able on the Dai­ly South­town web­site chicagotri​bune​.com/​s​u​b​urbs/ dai­ly-south­town begin­ning in Sep­tem­ber. Make sure you vote for your favorite South­land busi­ness­es for Round No. 2.

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