Strength. Sta­bil­i­ty. Qual­i­ty.
That’s liv­ing Smith Smart.

Know­ing you have a safe and vibrant place to live, access to out­stand­ing care, and the sup­port of com­pas­sion­ate peo­ple can make all the dif­fer­ence in your life — and your future. At Smith Senior Liv­ing, our com­mu­ni­ties and ser­vices are designed to empow­er seniors to live their best lives by answer­ing the impor­tant ques­tions and pro­vid­ing valu­able infor­ma­tion. Dis­cov­er the Smith Smart way of life.

Wgn video

Smith Senior Liv­ing fea­tured on WGN TV

Watch the inter­view with our CEO, Kevin McGee and Smith Vil­lage Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Mar­ti Jatis. 

Our Com­mu­ni­ties

Our His­to­ry

Built on a strong foundation

Our tra­di­tion of qual­i­ty dates to 1917, when Engle­wood neigh­bor­hood res­i­dent Susie Wood­man, Dr. William Gregg and a group of vol­un­teers found­ed Oakhaven Old People’s Home. The com­mu­ni­ty, which adopt­ed the name Smith” in 1929 to hon­or a gen­er­ous gift from the estate of Emi­lie Smith, evolved to become Smith Senior Living. 

Learn More

Our Benev­o­lent Care Fund

Ensur­ing ongo­ing care

To care for Res­i­dents of Smith Cross­ing and Smith Vil­lage who out­live their resources is of the utmost impor­tance to our orga­ni­za­tion. Emilie’s Fund depends on approx­i­mate­ly $2 mil­lion each year to cov­er these expenses. 

Learn How to Help


Find your path

The foun­da­tion for our suc­cess is the ded­i­cat­ed and pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple who work with­in our orga­ni­za­tion. Smith Senior Liv­ing is look­ing for com­pas­sion­ate and ener­getic indi­vid­u­als to join our team.

Join Our Team