Give Back And Get Involved

It feels great to help oth­ers and we appre­ci­ate and wel­come vol­un­teers at our com­mu­ni­ties. To vol­un­teer at one of our Smith Senior Liv­ing cam­pus­es, please com­plete an appli­ca­tion. Some­one from our team will reach out to you with­in two weeks of sub­mit­ting your application.

Please click the Vol­un­teer” but­ton below and fill out the form to be entered into our sys­tem and receive infor­ma­tion on volunteering. 

Stu­dents who vol­un­teer to ful­fill ser­vice hours and school require­ments must attend ori­en­ta­tion. In your appli­ca­tion, please advise the Smith com­mu­ni­ties of your ser­vice-hour dead­line and the num­ber of ser­vice hours required. Also, please pro­vide the name of your school. 

Smith Senior Liv­ing has played a vital role in serv­ing senior adults from Chicago’s South­west neigh­bor­hood and sub­urbs. Smith Vil­lage and Smith Cross­ing wel­come and appre­ci­ate all volunteers.

Vol­un­teer Form