The Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty Advantage

Smith Senior Liv­ing is the spon­sor­ing orga­ni­za­tion serv­ing Smith Vil­lage and Smith Cross­ing, the first two Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ties, for­mer­ly Con­tin­u­ing Care Retire­ment Com­mu­ni­ties, in the south­west sec­tor of Metro Chicago.

A Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty allows peace of mind for old­er adults by offer­ing Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing, Assist­ed Liv­ing, Alzheimer’s/Memory Sup­port, Skilled Nurs­ing Care and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion all on one cam­pus. Res­i­dents of Smith Vil­lage and Smith Cross­ing know they will have access to a full spec­trum of ser­vices should their health­care needs change.

In a true Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty, there is nev­er a need to make deci­sions about hous­ing dur­ing a med­ical cri­sis. You can rest easy know­ing there will be a seam­less tran­si­tion to the next lev­el of care. And you can count on pro­fes­sion­al, com­pas­sion­ate care, no mat­ter what the future brings.

Health­care Benefits

At both Smith Vil­lage and Smith Cross­ing, Res­i­dents receive a life­time care ben­e­fit when they move into an Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing res­i­dence. This is a type of insur­ance that helps secure the cost of future care if it becomes necessary.